Drinks &Democracy this week, Feb 13

When: Thursday, February 13th
Where: UPSIDE on Moore, 1700 N Moore St, Level 2, Accessible from the Metro. Contact: AndDemocracy@gmail.com

Socialize and let off steam with fellow Americans worried about the Trump administration. Organized by &Democracy, this will not be a formal meeting, just drinks and conversation. Though you never know where good ideas will come from! 

Look for the table with the American flag. 

Join the mail list at www.AndDemocracy.com

When: Thursday, February 13th
Where: UPSIDE on Moore, 1700 N Moore St, Level 2, Accessible from the Metro. Contact: AndDemocracy@gmail.com

Socialize and let off steam with fellow Americans worried about the Trump administration. Organized by &Democracy, this will not be a formal meeting, just drinks and conversation. Though you never know where good ideas will come from!

Look for the table with the American flag.

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